Monday, September 26, 2011

Mommy's Fault

A little background: Every evening Eric and I had been addicted to watching the Mad Men series we had rented from the local video store.

One Saturday it dawned on me that I had totally forgotten Madison and Noah's very first day of gymnastic classes. I knew Madison would be heartbroken. I explained to Madison that Mommy had forgotten her class, but we would definitely make it the following weekend.

She looked at me incredulously, threw her hands in the air and exclaimed "Well, if it wasn't for YOU and your MOVIES!!"

I couldn't help but laugh, but you can bet I didn't forget about her class the following week...despite watching my movies. ;)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cheaters never win (5/16/11)

I was playing Candy Land with Madison this morning. She loves when she's beating me, but definitely gets upset when I start passing her up. Her little gingerbread man was at the end of the game & it would easily take one card to win. She thought I wasn't paying attention & she moved her man to the finish line, even though the card she drew was still a few spots shy of winning. She proudly declared "I won, I won".

I gave her a look that let her know I knew what she had done & I gave her the ole line "It's not about winning the game, it's how you play the game that matters". She looked at me, with a confused look on her face and said "I still beat you", smiling mischievously.

She'll understand the saying one of these days I guess. For now, I just put her gingerbread man back to where it was supposed to be & watched her a little closer. ;)

I say NO to drugs (5/06/2011)

I was sitting in the walk in clinic to have Noah checked out since it was after hours with his pediatrician. We were sitting with several other people in the waiting area. Noah announces very loudly that he burned himself on my pot. The emphasis was on the word "pot". I nervously look around wondering what people are thinking...then I realized what he was talking about. I whispered " you mean my crock pot?" Louder than before he declares " yeah I burned my finger on your CRACK POT!"

Although now thoroughly mortified, I Had to laugh at that! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Madison on Sportsmanship (4/6/11)

I was teaching Madison how to play Tic Tac Toe today. I've noticed that she has been getting a cocky attitude when playing games lately. Saying "Ha Ha...I'm going to beat you!" or another favorite "I'm going to win, I'm going to win!" (in that sing-song voice children do so well)

She finally beat me on a game & started her chant. I felt this was the perfect time to teach her about poor sportsmanship. I explained that it's not nice to say things in a mean way because it could hurt feelings. I then told her she should say something like "good game". I then asked her to try it out. She looked at me sincerely and said in a sweet voice "good forgot to win though".

I tried...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just wanted to Help... (3/14/11)

I began my morning not unlike other mornings... I heard Noah doing something downstairs so I went to check on him, only to find that he was in our lower bathroom/laundry room mopping my laundry basket with a wet mop. It didn't take a genius to see that he managed to get the mop wet by dipping it in the toilet. I ran upstairs to get my Clorox Disinfecting wipes & cleaned the basket & all the little drips he left for me around the bathroom.

Later in the day, during which Noah was supposed to be napping, I again here the suspicous sound of something going on downstairs. I run down to find that Noah had my Clorox wipes that I had forgotten on the counter & was wiping down my laundry basket. I explained to him that he was not allowed to touch those wipes because they could sting his eyes. I scrubbed his hands free of the chemicals.

I tried to usher him out of the bathroom, however, he ran to the toilet yelling " I need to flush 'em!" That instinct that only a mother can truly know kicked in and I felt like I was in one of those movies with the cheesy slow motion while yelling NOOOO.. I got there just in time to scoop out the clorox wipe and, apparently a drier sheet, before they were both flushed down. was a close call.

I began scrubbing my hands and arms vigorously with soap, Noah looked perplexed and asked me "Why did you throw that away?" I explained that you cannot flush wipes or anything else for that matter. He still looked confused, but smiled brightly & proudly stated "I flushed 3 of 'em!" So much for my heroic efforts...I think I hear a stopped up toilet in the near future!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spending Money Wisely (10-25-10)

Last night I was sitting with Madison in the living room. She had just received a birthday card from her cousins that contained a 5 dollar bill earlier in the day. She sat on the floor, holding her bill open, looked up at me and said "Mommy, this is my favorite dollar ever". I told her that it was all hers & she could spend it on whatever she would like. So then I asked her what she would like to purchase with it. She said "I'm going to buy some bread & milk." After a chuckle I explained that she could get what she wanted and re-asked the question. She pondered this for a moment & said "hmmm...I'm going to buy some milk & cheese!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear Santa... (8-4-10)

This morning I was entertaining Madison by letting her look at the American Girl website. If you're unfamiliar with American Girl, it is a line of dolls that you can design to look like your child.

Madison was going nuts over the bitty baby that had dark hair & eyes, just like hers. Although, she liked the one that came with all the accessories. She made it clear that it had to be the one with all the "stuff".

A little while later I saw her scribbling in her notepad. She basically writes the letter "M" over & over again. :) I asked what she was writing. She put her pen down & read, "Dear Santa...bring me bunch of stuff. Oh & bring Noah a baseball."