Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The bacon incident (7-13-10)

This morning I gave Madison & Noah some turkey bacon for breakfast. As always, Noah didn't practice portion control & shoved half a piece in his mouth. I encouraged him to chew, chew, chew. He even opened his mouth so that I could get a view of his well chewed food. LOL He finally tried to swallow. He started gagging so I tried freeing the obstruction, when that didn't work I flipped him over my knee & hit his back to try and free it but he had alread managed to get it down. After he recovered, I took his bacon away & gave him some cereal.

About this time, Madison finally sat down at the breakfast table. She picked up a piece of bacon & Noah looked worried & shook his head no, he said "No chicken...No choke...No touch it!"

I have a feeling he won't be eating bacon for awhile. LOL It's nice, though, to see he's concerned for the safety of his sister. :)

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